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What should I do if my product has not arrived or is delayed in transit?
We understand how important it is to receive your orders on time. If your product has not arrived or is delayed, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve the issue. We are actively monitoring the situation and working close
What can I do if my order has not yet shipped?
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause as our team is working diligently to get your order shipped out. If you experience a delay, we are likely coordinating swiftly with our carrier to expedite the process. You will receive a confirmation
Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?
It depends on whether your order has shipped. If you realize there’s a mistake with your shipping details, contact us as soon as possible, and we’ll do our best to update the address before it ships. You’ll receive a confirmation email if the address
Do you offer a wholesale program?
Yes, we do offer wholesale pricing for our products, and we're delighted you're considering us as your supplier. Please email [email protected] to learn more and apply for our wholesale program. We look forward to the opportunity to serve yo